Tuesday, March 15, 2011


but says a lot about the state of hip hop doesn't it

I think the most powerful statement here is the homosexual imagery and discussion. I noticed his rainbow armband long before he said anything. But then he gets to these homosexual "acts"

Sadly, I think the resoluting message with the black [hip hop] community is that Aries Spears is gay.  Then what will follow is a series of  "Pause(s)" and "No Homo(s)" they'll essentially write him off instead of acknowledging and addressing the downlow and or gay rapper. THEY EXIST! They often protect themselves with all this excess homophobia to thrive in the hip hop community...because everything is so GOTTDAMN masculine.

Sometimes that amount of testosterone is so effin sexy. I remember reading in a book on hip hop and misogyny how women will put up with being called a bitch and etc because that's the sort of ish that makes your nipples hard. Same thing here.....but I've come to a point in my life where I feel like if you're that homophobic for the sake of proving your manhood what are you hiding?

It's not cute to disrespect someone's sexual identity to that degree. I mean what's the point? I commend Aries Spears for being bold enough to do that. I saw past all the silly. I saw past all the comedy. This was so much commentary for me! Probably a whole lot more than he intended.

But back to the homosexuality bit...I have to find that documentary again on black men and hip hop...especially on homosexuality....but like how often do these men realize how often they are "gay" from their lyrics that requires a whole lot of no homo to how they perform together in videos...to how they allow folks to grease them up and put them on a magazine half naked....women just ain't looking.

At this point in my life, a guy who is more relaxed about the discussion of homosexuality makes me more comfortable than one who is going pause every five seconds. STOP USING HOMOPHOBIA TO REAFFIRM YOUR MANHOOD!!!!

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